September 2022

Bulava Buys $500 Worth of Food for Animal Shelter in Zaporizhzhia

War’s suffering affects everyone and everything: people, whether young or old, nature, the environment, and of course, animals. Ever since the start of the war, Ukraine’s animals have been thrown into unprecedented circumstances. Overall, Ukraine has seen a rise in the number of homeless animals as well as animals in shelters. Many animals have lost their owners due to Russian rockets, tanks, and bullets. Other animals have lost their owners and homes simply because people had to flee dangerous environments without time to arrange for care for their pets or without the ability to bring their pets with them. Ukrainian animal shelters have been working tirelessly to provide for as many homeless animals as possible under these new environments.

In September, Bulava donated $500 worth of food to be delivered to an animal shelter in Zaporizhzhia, which has taken on many new animals since the start of the war. This donation goes a long way in Ukraine, and Bulava seeks to provide more support in the future.  

Follow us on Instagram @bulava_org to see more of our successes. If you would like to support the animal shelter, find them on Instagram


September 2022


August 2022